The holiday season is critical for those who are concerned about gaining weight. The chances of overeating during the holidays are very high.

The demand for baklava, trigona, meat, Russian salad, and everything good cooked by home-made housewives is at an all-time high during this period.

Therefore, the risk of obesity is high. According to studies, a person's weight can increase by up to 0.6 percent during December.

Most of the weight is gained in the 10 days after Christmas, which highlights the fact that when it comes to the holidays, people give up on their diets.

Holiday weight is eliminated with difficulty

Studies show that eliminating excess pounds gained during this period is a very difficult process and over the years, weight accumulates at a faster rate.

Experts say that if you want to stay in shape during the holidays, you shouldn't skip the gym even for a day.

If you stick to your healthy physical activity routine even if you give in to cravings, you will find it easier to keep from gaining weight.

One way to avoid consuming leftover food from New Year's Eve is to throw it in the trash so you won't be tempted.

The best way to lose weight in winter

Studies say that performing physical activities in cold temperatures promotes burning more calories and consequently weight loss.

The level of calories burned during a moderate-intensity physical activity reaches up to 34 percent when it is performed at temperatures between 14-20 degrees.

You may have noticed that in the winter, brisk walking leaves you sluggish and hungry.

This does not happen in spring or in warm temperatures.

Cold temperatures prompt the metabolism to work harder to keep the body warm.

Simply put, if you want to lose weight, walk fast, run, and exercise in the cold.