Grida Duma has announced the resignation of the DP deputy. During her speech in a statement to the media, Grida Duma stated that this is the right decision and said that she will never forgive those who, with their words against her, have mentally hit her son.

During her speech to the media, Grida Duma continued emphasizing the reasons for leaving the mandate of the Democratic Party deputy.

"I will leave this mandate with the belief that as I have known how to do within politics, I will know how to do and more wherever I am as a political figure. I am right-wing because I grew up right-wing, I am right-wing because I believe in strong and true individuals, in those who compete as an engine of development. I am right-wing because I hope I will be able to produce again as much as I could", said Duma.

Click here for the full statement.

Grida Duma started her political career as the Deputy Minister of European Integration during the years 2011–2013. In the local elections of 2015, it was rumored that she would run for Mayor of Tirana, but then her candidacy for the Municipality of Durrës was announced. She failed to win the popular vote to become mayor.

Since 2014, she became Secretary for Public Relations of the Democratic Party of Albania. She is a prominent figure among the Democrats.

In 2017, Duma was elected deputy of the Democratic Party in the Parliament of Albania, representing the district of Tirana.
