Bajram Begaj has just been elected President of the Republic of Albania with 78 votes in favor, 4 against and 1 abstention.
Former Chief of General Staff Bajram Begaj will be Ilir Meta's successor and will remain at the helm of the state for the next five years.
Major General Bajram Begaj was born on March 20, 1967, in Rrogozhina. In 1989, Major General Begaj completed his studies at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Medicine and was awarded the title of active officer in the specialty "Medicine" in 1998.
Before taking over the post of Chief of General Staff, Major General prof. asoc. Bajram Begaj, for a period of three years, has served as Commander of the Doctrine and Training Command.
During his military career, Major General Bajram Begaj has served in various leadership positions in the Armed Forces, such as: Deputy Director of the University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa"; general director of the Central University Military Hospital; director of the Health Inspectorate, chief inspector and advisor of the Health Inspectorate at the General Staff of the Armed Forces; chief of the Military Medical Unit and deputy director of the University Trauma Hospital, as well as other duties in the structures of the Armed Forces.
Major General Begaj has attended various qualifications and specializations in the military and medical field, in educational institutions inside and outside the country. He has completed the Higher Course for Security and Defense at the Academy of the Armed Forces, the Advanced Postgraduate School of Medicine and the postgraduate specialization in the profile Gastrohepatology, at the Faculty of Medicine Tirana.
He has also attended the Hospital Management and Strategic Medical Leadership course in the United States, the International Senior Defense Management Course at the Institute of Defense Resource Management at the U.S. Navy Graduate School, and the Senior Executive Seminar at the Marshall Center. Germany, as well as other military courses and qualifications.
Gjeneralmajor Bajram Begaj, ka përfunduar “Doktoratën në Fushën e Mjekësisë”, pranë Fakultetit të Mjekësisë si dhe mban titullin “Profesor i Asociuar” në Mjekësi. Njëkohësisht është vlerësuar me medalje të ndryshme për arritje gjatë karrierës se tij ushtarake.
Gjeneralmajor Begaj ka ndjekur kualifikime dhe specializime të ndryshme në fushën ushtarake dhe atë mjekësore, në institucionet arsimore brenda dhe jashtë vendit. E fundit ishte një vizitë që ka bërë në Pentagon, një vizitë e një niveli të lartë.
Bajram Begaj është profesor i asociuar i mjekësisë. Ai është martuar me Armanda Begajn dhe së bashku kanë dy fëmijë.
Emri i Begajt si një kandidat i mundshëm për kreun e shtetit ka qarkulluar rreth katër javë më parë, por me kalimin e ditëve emri i tij zbeh ndërsa si kandidatët më të favorshëm u cilësuan Ardian Dorani dhe Majlinda Bregu.
Source: Top Channel