Well-known model Zana Krasniqi is known by all as one of the icons of Albanian beauty not only within our borders, but also outside them. Since she was quite young, Zana won the beauty crown 'Miss Kosova 2008' and after her, also 'Miss Universe 2008'.
After starting a career in the field of modeling in America, where she worked for a long time with the famous photographer Fadil Berisha, Zana returned to her homeland to dedicate herself to family life, leaving behind the model and the life of the catwalks.
Today, a mother of 4 children, as beautiful as at her young age, Zana dares to be part of another "catwalk" - much bolder than modeling.
Invited this afternoon on "Rudina" on TV Klan, Zana shared for the first time with the public some details from her private life, the challenges of a mother with 4 children, but also the ambitions of a future politician.
Zana has decided to embark on a new journey in politics, as she is running to become a member of the Municipality of Prishtina, on the list of the Vetëvendosje Movement. Zana confessed that she has not been very engaged because of the commitment and dedication of the children, but for her it is very important that she protects women and supports them in everything through this initiative she has undertaken.
Being part of an election campaign is something new for Zana, so she has not been very active, because of her family.
"This part of the rallies is a bit difficult, because it is something new, I have not learned. Some friends tell me not to be modest, I beg for the vote and I tell him I do not know how to beg for the vote. It is going well for me, but I am not campaigning much, because normally I do not have many opportunities, that I do not leave the children aside for anything. I'm engaged, but not as much as I should have been.
My message is that. I always try to mention women for women because my issues are always related to women. "I am trying to meet as many women as I can, to support them, and to ask for their support, because I think we women are empowered by helping each other and supporting each other." - said among others Zana Krasniqi.