Arjan Konomi is one of those TV characters that we always associate with "Big Brother", despite the fact that many years have passed since he was the opinionist of the famous reality show. Therefore, Arjani does not avoid questions related to the protagonists of "Big Brother" even today.

Invited to "Look Who's Playing" this week, Arjani was asked who is the best and least good character by Big Brother, in his opinion. Questions that brought tears to the eyes of the opinionist, but also of the other guests.

"There are many good characters who managed to make a career and a television success. With some I have established a bond of friendship that we continue to maintain to this day. But I want to put these aside and I want to remember a character who is no longer alive today, who is Adela. "Adela Xhamani, who lost her life suddenly and was a character very, very loved by the Albanian public", said Arjani, unable to hold back tears.

"This is life and in life we â??â??must always try to fight. That was Adela, she tried, she came from a gloomy, sad reality, she created a lot of controversy on television and she broke without thinking about what the public thought, about what people could say. She achieved a success on television, in journalism, but that was her fate. So we must seek to "fight", because life is short. To live it as we feel it ", - said the excited opinionist, closing it:" I owed Adela ".