Lori Hoxha celebrated her birthday a few days ago in a party that brought together some of her best friends. Rather, there were 27 guest girls at the party, a number that was chosen not by chance but because Lori celebrated her 27th birthday. A party with girls alone could not be more "girlish" than that - filled with butterflies, hearts, flowers and colors in cyclamen and lilac tones.

The hall was conceived as a mirror cube, something special that has not been seen in previous festivities. Mirrors from all sides create the idea of â??â??an infinite environment. The ceiling was filled with green decorative elements and 3D butterflies.

The table was set with a grass cover, while in the middle were placed compositions of cyclamen roses and white candles. The chairs were chosen transparently, while the menu was placed in a glass box - along with some butterflies and a personalized expression for each guest - that perfectly and very originally replaced the sofas.

The cake was a magic in itself! All purple, stuffed with roses and butterflies.

Even the photobooth was created mirror with a led butterfly, for all the girls who wanted to take a picture with the arm.

Who was the fairy of this tale? No doubt Lori!