Joni Peçi's story about Blerina's relationship with her husband has been told publicly by dieticians a few years ago, but today, when she returned to that story, we learned that the shoes that are bought in such cases, Blerina has not yet bought Joni Peçi.

Invited this afternoon on "Rudina" on TV Klan, Blerina reminded once again that it was Joni Peçi who "threw the sir".

"It simply came to our notice then. Joni, not only got to know me and became the reason for my relationship with my husband, but if it wasn't for Joni and his way of "throwing the cheese", he has this feature, as few people have, I probably will I had seen my husband once and I would never have seen him again. But when I heard the respect he had for Edin, they were known, letâ??s say, Johnny had an atelier next to a very well-known pastry shop where my husband stayed all the time, working there. John and I were very, very close friends then . "

But the stylist reminded Blerina today that she has not yet paid off her "debt". In a message for the show "Rudina", Joni told the nutritionist that he owed a pair of shoes for the "matchmaking" he had done.

Dear Blerina, I greet you and you know I love you so much. Not now, but since the early days of our friendship. I am simply the godfather of your marriage, because your love is that I did not give it to you, but you have it for each other and you have shown this all the time, building such a wonderful family with two children. gorgeous. I just wish God would give you his non-stop blessings to your family and increase your love as much as possible. But I had a request from you, because many years have passed, you have become a child, but you have not yet brought me the gift of the messenger, as Albanians say, shoes. Meanwhile, I am still waiting for the shoes, after so many years have passed that you bring them to me, so that at least you can leave that debt with me for the recognition of the love that is continuing and successful by you, your family and your husband. Anyway, material things are not very valuable in this world, but the important thing is that we love each other very much, communicate and keep this love strong even in the time of the crown, but I am still waiting for the debt to be with me. behave and surprise me.

Bombay admitted that he owes the stylist, but not just a pair of shoes: â??He is very right, he is very right, but I owe Joni much more than a pair of shoes. I can't pay off Ion's debt either in this life or in the next.