Continued from:
Full interview, Alketa Weysiu vs. Ilva Tares: I have chosen to be happy
Ilva Tare: There is only one right that Albania has changed. Now there are Italians coming to Albania. They are coming to study, they are coming to work, pensioners are coming, they want the sun of Albania
Alketa Weysiu: Of course, but we couldn't say it all in Sanremo, Sanremo wasn't the right window to communicate the whole evolution now. I got a segment that was very meaningful to the relationship, the brotherhood between the two nations, I just got to the segment that was both exciting and beautiful, because nations have to be loved, nations must have no boundaries that separate them and music can make more than politics and today let's not forget that Italy is the first gateway to unloading other immigrants who are not Albanians but Africans, Europe is indifferent, to some extent Italy is the small boot that should accommodate a world of great that needs it. And it is the symbol of humanism, that should be underlined and we should not be haughty and complex
Ilva Tare: Since this is a great comment we are the little boot or we are the boot we are, we are not necessarily small.
Alketa Vejsiu: Who, Albanians? We don't need to get into another boot, that's a bit, but it's safe, Africans yes, I have touched Africa and in all that greatness of infinite nature and extraordinary natural relativity, it is in another social reality that leaves a painful impression on the soul. We are not Africans, we are true Europeans and we do not need to get into anyone else's boots to feel the way we deserve.
Ilva Tare: I have a few more questions before, in fact, something happened that I didn't expect and wasn't prepared for. When you posted on your social page on Instagram, I got the impression you would be here in Ilva Noah, except Instagram had to be blocked, the page was dropped by many followers who came, but also lots of questions and comments, I would love some of them to include them, I was impressed by Ambra Angolin, it was a coincidence to comment, that I saw that there was a communication interaction there.
Alketa Weysiu: It was a big surprise to think that I know all the songs for Ambra Angolin, I loved Ambras so much when I was little, I went to Grandma's in Korça and the time she appeared in La Rai was my holiday moment. and once wrote "I love you Alketa", then again wrote a very nice comment on the company website that placed the jewels. Now I don't know if I have to say these comments, that I am always in this dilemma of "until I have to say the thing I have to say", "I have to be modest or I have to put it on display", that this is the dilemma of people working on a particular mission and having to affirm a particular product, I don't want to approach the Alketa product but I can't deny that I felt very privileged that another idol of my life wrote to me. Ambra will come to Peter Pan, I wrote them right away.
Ilva Tare: I do not question that you have captured the case directlyâ?¦
Alketa Weysiu: She wrote some very nice things, her manager is also the manager of Silvia Tofanin where I will give my interview at Verisimo tomorrow, so I'll meet her, talk, talk, hope I'll bring her to say with conviction. I'll bring it, butâ?¦
Ilva Tare: You're convinced you're going to bring it, then come on, it's another matter. What are your ambitions for the Italian market? Will you have a show there, be invited, have a dream with whom you want to present?
Alketa Weysiu : With Fiorello I would definitely like to introduce, I think we have the same dynamic and I don't know why I have an idea that would be my ideal partner on stage.
Ilva Tare. Do you work in this direction?
Alketa Vejsiu: No, I am not working, I have left the agency representing my interest in Italy to look at all the offers and opportunities that we will appreciate and look into, if it is worth something we will definitely be wearing a shoe. Albanian, an Italian shoe, I do not leave Albania, I have built Albania with great effort and love for many years, I have it here and will always have it, I belong to this country but now the world is global There are no limits to how I watch, Alceta's job function, I'm a very mobile person all the time so it seems hard to get the avon go to Rome in 50 minutes, come on, I do it practically because of the business that is business who has connected me with the whole world.
Ilva Tare: What is God for you? A question has come up on Instagram and I wish, it is a human aspect
Alketa Weysiu: I believe in God, God is energy, God is woman, God is Woman. I think that has led me to life. And giving me some signals that with an intuition, again natural, as his gift I have known how to properly unravel it in this difficult algorithm of my private and personal life where at the end of it all I think as long as I lived it i came out. Always grateful in silence, please and thank you.
Ilva Tare: Caroline Flack, I don't know if you've followed the case, we had her in today's Ilva Noah edition, treating her from the point of view of bullism after she committed suicide, one of the questions that came from follower that says: How would you use your voice in these cases?
Alketa Weysiu: Very simply. Our freedom ends where the freedom of the other begins and should never do to someone what we do not want to do to us.
Ilva Tare: Even when you're a public person?
Alketa Weysiu: Of course, being a public person is a lot more important. I think I said it very well to the Joker monologue I said at the festival. The Joker is a good analogy here, because the Joker was killed by the system, by politics, by society, but also by the media. All these irresponsible people who have been given the chance to speak, given the microphone, who do not know how to use the word for good cause, almost ready for me to commit a criminal act. It is not only shameful, it is also criminal. There must be sanctions for this. There must be laws. Such is the petition of Caroline, which has taken on a widespread dimension, is the cause of Chiara Ferragni, who says that people who are behind Instagram and Facebook must have an ID when registering and cannot continue fight fake profiles without identity and want to intimidate people who have no debt and no guilt. As far as being critical and patient is ok, definitely yes. Arguments and criticisms with arguments are always welcomed, but where ethical and moral limits are exceeded, where there is bullshit, there must be a penalty that makes these people pay. It cannot be so, that this is terrible. It is the biggest cost of the time we are living, maybe not our children, it is very dangerous for our children.
Ilva Tare: Do you think you should take any initiative in this case?
Alketa Weysiu: I would love to be the one to start a movement like this and I have strong motivations to do so. I have a very strong personal battle with the fake one but this is another topic, I have a very strong personal battle with the way media in Albania are abused, how people are blackmailed to arrive in a constructive way and often in compromise with these values, their lives, their successes. It is heavy, they are urgent words, but we will have this topic in another program.
Ilva Tare: You mentioned your first mentor, who is he nowadays? Tony Robbins you are following, what do you like about him?
Alketa Weysiu: He's fantastic, you should definitely go to one of his lectures.
Ilva Tare: There are many reasons why I probably can't. One is the distance and daily commitment and cost as well.
Alketa Weysiu: I have been favored by people who are part of this master for my costs, and I at the same time, often in all professional exchanges, and because they consider me a good promotional force in digital media give me all the time bonuses, often even free stuff, and that's pretty fun when used for this thing.
Ilva Tare: 912,000 followers?
Alketa Weysiu. They are worth it now. Many times hotels give special treatment, many times programs like this one to promote special bonuses.
Ilva Tare: Are you looking for me now?
Alketa Weysiu: No, I'm asking you to join my team because you can get it at a very low cost and make your dream possible. If you have a dream and an objective.
Ilva Tare: What inspires you in Tony Robbins' mentorship?
Alketa Weysiu: One of the most beautiful things Tony says is "Grow or die", and says another thing that I have underlined that I always keep notes, I am a lifelong student, he says: God has created us to create . Those who create are clear. They know how and where they want to arrive and they don't even care about the people who have left, right, or all the noise they worry about and cause you to lose focus and focus. He's a man who started the same way as Oprah Winfrey, another man who inspires me, from zero, minus 1, not zero, and has succeeded. The fact is that in all of these trainings you are lucky enough to meet inspiring people, successful leaders, women and men. And I like these success stories to be honest. I put them together as small dots to make it my painting at the end. I listen to them, I study them, I highlight them and for anyone who may have ever hinted at how much I read, this is not the right program nor the spectacle I direct are the right ones, but I am a person since I was born and until turned 5 years old my dad started giving me books, books, books at the age of 5, I keep reading, studying, I don't stop doing it systematically.
Ilva Tare: Why do you feel compelled to respond to those who think you don't want what you probably don't deserve and what you have. Why do you feel the need to return an answer?
Alketa Weysiu: Actually, I don't have to answer, you're very right. Maybe I was invested a little more than they need to answer that they don't deserve it. Yes, museums and books have read far more than they think. But I'm not here to challenge them, nor to give them explanations.
Ilva Tare: The last question is from the public, I'll leave it to them. Will you ever become or accept the post of Minister of Culture?
Alketa Weysiu: No, thank you very much.
Ilva Tare: Politics no?
Alketa Weysiu: No politics. I have found my lane, I am very happy on this train I am climbing and I do not intend to change, I have no dilemma about my future. I am very happy with the business I run, I have a fantastic group of girls following me. 90% of my employees are girls. I'm there to support and inspire you.
Ilva Tare: Yet politics makes news, makes headlines, Berlusconi is mentioned at a press conference, Berlusconi said, and all Italian newspapers and media talk about Berlusconi. Do you have any plans?
Alketa Vejsiu: No, I was asked in an interview and I was told: Why is the only Italian politician you follow on Instagram is Berlusconi and I came back and said I do not follow him as a politician but follow him as an entrepreneur, as one of the people geniuses who brought the explosion and revolution of commercial television to Italy and this was then treated as the media would like to treat it because the media had to be clicked to survive Ilva.
Ilva Tare: I definitely have to click that times have changed, I'm a bit old fashioned, I'm in the traditional media. Rai or the Media?
Alketa Weysiu: It doesn't matter. Suffice it to be the interesting offer. To me they are both very prestigious. I am currently here, part of the Albanian media market and will continue to work hard for these products that I love and that give meaning to my professional life.