There was only a few hours ago that Elvana Long's co-operation with Capital T, "Fustani" was published, when Elvana went on stage in Switzerland on the occasion of 'Alba Festival' - a concert featuring dozens of Albanian singers from Albania, Kosovo is diaspora.
Almost at each concert, Elvana and her staff can "predict" what will happen where, but this time everything went beyond expectations. As Elvana did not contain great emotion. What happened?
For a long time, Elvana has been trained with Albi Pasi before every new clip or concert, in order to create a fuller performance on stage. Known choreographer often accompanies the singer with his band, thus becoming a witness to many of the scenes that happen to the singer. Like this time ...
As Albi said today, from Rudina's studio, he is in the backstage of Elva's concerts with the ballet group, but in Switzerland something impressed me more than others: "What impressed me in Switzerland this time was Elvanna did not believe it, so he was very excited: "What impressed me in Switzerland was the public's reception for Elvanën, and returned it three times. There was a tremendous success, so Elvana cried there, "said Albi, praising the talent of the Albanian singer.