His voice we know very well and is indestructible! A powerful voice that has helped break into the media world since its inception. Eni Shehu is not a new name in the Albanian media, since we have been introduced to her since she was a teenager.
The teenage teenagers of the year 2000 remember very well a cool guy who introduced a youthful and very trendy emison, such as "Select" in those times. Encouraged by the company Eni became part of the auditions and then was selected to be the leader of the "Select" show. With a large outfit, an unmatched type of hair, with a strange, yet very fashionable style of hair, Eni turned into a little-known character as she ran one of the most popular shows among young people. As he shows, his true love was radio and television and no longer as an opportunity to reach the radio. So it was, he was successful on the radio as well, and there was no such thing as a powerful voice that conveys self-confidence to the listeners and made Enon to sit on the radio, his first love. He became part of the "Search Shqip", a radio show that was among the only entertainment opportunities then. The voice accompanying everyone at home, at work, in the car, and wherever they were, was exactly that of En, who turned to the adolescent idol of that time.
No few were fixed with his voice as they wrote letters and messages daily. No wonder, as he was a trendy, resourceful, orator-lad who ran one of the most famous emissaries of that time, when the radio was in the flourishing gold period.
Although it has experimented in all media fields, the radio remains a great passion and irreplaceable from nothing else. As he says, "It is a wonderful experience"! However, television has also been an important part of it, and for a long time we've seen En in the "Summer Edition", where summer comes, he goes south to interview the famous characters on the beach outside the frames we are taught to we usually see. Although recently, he has taken a break from the TV and is focusing on other projects, such as acting!
Very few people may know, but Eni has studied acting before crossing the streets with journalism. Another area where he shined and spotted immediately. As soon as he completed the Academy of Arts, Eni Shehu was able to abduct the best actor award in his first role. A great achievement for someone who just graduated! As he started and with the same passion he continues to score success in the field of acting, as was the protagonist role in the "Internationals" film.
Finally, we see it every week at Love Likes Tirana, where he plays the role of a wealthy lawyer named Klajdi. A role with which he loved without love is much connected, as people on the street have begun to call Klajdi. An experience that has turned it into the focus of people's attention.
Despite the young age, he has a long career and many experiences, such as TV, radio, print, and acting. A man willing to try new things and experiment in any field, which must be said to have always been successful. In this exclusive interview for Class magazine, Eni Shehu comes to a different story about his career and goals he has clear!
At the beginning of your career you introduced Top Select. Would you go back to such a format once again?
"What's gone is gone," the Americans say. Then "Select" with music and guest was very youthful. Today's young people are more appropriate than I do in that format. I have other interests.
Between the television, the radio and the print press which solution will be?
Radio remains irreplaceable passion. I remember the emotions during the transmission and your voice coming to your ear ... it's a magic experience! I have written the print for a while not too long, it's brave! Need a lot of information and accuracy. I believe in Albania, 'news' is in crisis. And I just got a break from the TV (laughs).
Are you sorry that the radio is not as powerful as it used to be?
Only in Albania the radio could not integrate and evolve with technology. Outside people continue to interact with the radio, they hear mostly in the car. The show studios have adapted and you can follow them in social media or TV, but the visual aspect and format remains radio. Interviews are made with Skype connections and it does not mean that guests are in the studio. Unfortunately, here, apparently, the radio is neglected ...
You studied acting. What happened to that you devoted more to journalism?
With journalism I met "accidentally". Directly after completing the Academy of Arts I attended the Theater Festival that was held at the National Theater (2012). It was my first role in the dream scene of every actor, a very complex, challenging character. It happened that the show was exceptionally well received, even me as the protagonist (Kaligula) I won the best actor award. Imagine the excitement of a newly graduate who "looks at the light at the end of the tunnel" after having said for four consecutive years: "What do you want the actress" ...! Add here and to this day, I still do not know who those who gave me that award, who was part of the jury that applauded me. All in my dream I started to believe in the passion I had invested.
But it did not last long, because the disappointment left me suddenly out of love that was born. The theater has always been a topic of debate about how to handle, who and how to take roles. But at that time the word was opened that every actor would be chosen audiously, it became a big ad. I very much liked to appear in an audition for a show where two boys were asked. As we were waiting in the queues, in the corridors we talked two names that would "win." However, I appeared to want to believe the opposite, that I could change my mind to the selection group. and it was not very hopeful for me. The next day I asked to meet Abc's newcomer Armand Shkullaku, who I did not even know. With him I started journalism from A.
Better to interview or interview?
It's not easy on both occasions. As a journalist, I suffered a bit, that I always wanted to bring unpolluted, cool characters, no matter how "sell". It was important for me to bring their profile, what excited me. For yourself it is a pleasure to speak only in cases when you have achieved something, you have aroused curiosity when people want to know more about your work, behind the scenes.
Was it easy for you to enter the television world? Was it something you dreamed or came spontaneously?
On television I got behind an audition in 2003 on Top Channel. At that time, they asked the young "Types" of Tirana to introduce Top Select. My company has encouraged me. To say the right, I dreamed of Top Albania Radio and found me a great opportunity to enter the TV, then to go to the radio. The beginning was very beautiful!
There is a lot of competition in the media, as it says? So you have encountered a lot of competition?
Media is a wild environment to consume. You need to have strong nerves or good connections to survive. Talent or merit is rarely discussed. I was very lucky in this regard.
An actor and a presenter who served as a model for inspiration for you?
Hollywood and American formats of making television have always been my favorite.
An experience that has grown professionally and you value it as the most important for you?
The protagonist role in the movie "Internationals". I explored myself, experienced a real film experience with a staff and cast of professionals. I felt very good!
Is it hard to work with famous characters?
I would prefer ordinary people, they are more real.
The most difficult person you interviewed?
In fact, during my work as a journalist, the characters have generally been collaborative. In addition to Dua Lipa as a VIP, although we had the exclusivity of its media coverage of Prishtina's festival, I could hardly tell two bucks!
Which of the Albanian presenters will gladly cooperate with a radio or TV program?
I was impressed that together with my sister, who runs the morning show at RTSH, we could bring something cool. Blerina, if you are reading me, how are you ?! (Laughing)
Do you often get criticism? A critique that has made you and has influenced you so much?
The most sincere, but the most strict critics at the same time have them home. It's not that I'm directly reflective about the criticism, but when I turn my head back, I see that I've improved exactly in those details that they have expressed.
How did you become part of "Love Likes Tirana" and did you expect the series to have this success?
With Dalina Buzin we have a life we are familiar with in the media environment. I followed her work and inspired me, but never had the chance to cooperate. She, as a screenwriter, saw me and did not see me at Clay. It took a test in her office, together with Zin, to finally decide. #LLT success I thought of the fact that it was innovation, but never aroused so much feedback that people would not stick to it even when they were in the streets (laughs).
How is your relationship with the actors of the series? Are you closer to someone in particular?
Very good. It has been an extraordinary commitment and we have not had much free time.
How do you feel when people call on Clay?
At first I was surprised. The Church at the time of "Top Select" without experiencing this attention. I am glad that Klajdi is embedded as a character, meaning I have done a good job.
Where does Eni look like with Clay and what they have nothing to do with each other?
We are both "workaholic" - career-giving. I'm not as rich as Klajdi, maybe I should have been a lawyer. (Laughing)
Are you loyal to a relationship or have you betrayed as Klajdi?
I'm loyal!
One thing the public does not know about you?
I intend to try in Hollywood!