Even this year, the analysis based on last year's profit for those who are known as the most important entrepreneurs and businessmen in the country has come to the conclusion and rankings of the 10 wealthiest individuals in Albania. It is the European institute "Pashko" who has published today the list of richest people in Albania. According to this Institute, for this year, the richest man in the country remains businessman Samir Mane. Ervis Iljazaj, from the "Pashko" Institute listed the names in the studio and Ekopolitika:
Ranking according to Winning of the Year 2017:
Nr. shareholder
Samir Mane
Shefqet Kastrati
Grigor Joti
Rrok Gjoka
Agron Shapllo
Renis Tërshana
Agim Zeqo
Tom Doshi
Serafin Orgocka
Lefter Kallo
Source: Lapsi.al