One of the most beautiful women in the field of politics, but recently also of television, Grida Duma has always set strong barriers for her personal life.
Strong, intelligent, potential, the question we often had was, does she have a partner in her life.
And a half-answer has come in 'Let Me Talk':
Duma declared for the first time that she is not alone, that is, there is a person in her life, despite not giving more details, she answered positively to Romeo's questions in "Let me speak".
Romeo Veshaj: Grida did not deny that she did not have a boyfriend.
Grida Duma: Why should I do it, even if I didn't have it I would say I do. Not anymore when I have.
Romeo Veshaj: You seem like a very strong woman. But every strong woman needs a hug.
Grida Duma: Yes, of course there is. Every means a strong woman, every woman, every man.
Romeo Veshaj: Do you have that hug?
Grida Duma: Yes, I definitely have.
Romeo Veshaj: Now the dreams of three quarters of Albanians died.